What is the Bridge Design Pattern?

Göksu Deniz
7 min readFeb 4, 2023


Image is created by DALL-E 2 AI

The Bridge design pattern is a structural design pattern that separates the abstraction from its implementation, allowing the two to vary independently. This pattern is used to separate the interface of a class from its implementation, so that the two can be changed independently. This allows for more flexibility and reuse of code. It is often used in situations where an abstraction and its implementation need to vary independently, such as with different operating systems or hardware platforms.

Imagine you have a toy car that can be controlled by a remote. The car is the “implementation” and the remote control is the “abstraction.” The remote control has buttons to make the car go forward, backward, left and right. These buttons are the “interface” of the remote control. Now, imagine that you want to make a new version of the toy car that can also be controlled by a voice commands. The voice commands would be the new “abstraction” and the car would still be the “implementation.”

The Bridge design pattern allows you to separate the interface of the remote control from the implementation of the toy car, so that the two can be changed independently. This way, you can use the same remote control buttons to control the new toy car that can be controlled by voice commands. This is a way to make the code more flexible and reusable.

In short, The Bridge Design pattern allows to separate the abstraction and implementation, so that both can evolve independently. This is a way to make the code more flexible and reusable.

Here’s an example of the Bridge design pattern implemented in C#:

// The "abstraction" class
abstract class RemoteControl
protected IToy toy;

public RemoteControl(IToy toy)
this.toy = toy;

public abstract void MoveForward();
public abstract void MoveBackward();
public abstract void TurnLeft();
public abstract void TurnRight();

// The "implementation" interface
interface IToy
void MoveForward();
void MoveBackward();
void TurnLeft();
void TurnRight();

// Concrete implementation of the toy car
class ToyCar : IToy
public void MoveForward()
Console.WriteLine("Toy car moving forward.");

public void MoveBackward()
Console.WriteLine("Toy car moving backward.");

public void TurnLeft()
Console.WriteLine("Toy car turning left.");

public void TurnRight()
Console.WriteLine("Toy car turning right.");

// Concrete implementation of the remote control
class CarRemoteControl : RemoteControl
public CarRemoteControl(IToy toy) : base(toy) {}

public override void MoveForward()

public override void MoveBackward()

public override void TurnLeft()

public override void TurnRight()

// Usage
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
IToy toy = new ToyCar();
RemoteControl remote = new CarRemoteControl(toy);

In this example, the RemoteControl class is the abstraction and the IToy interface is the implementation. The ToyCar class is a concrete implementation of the IToy interface, and the CarRemoteControl class is a concrete implementation of the RemoteControl class. The RemoteControl class and the IToy interface are decoupled, so that the remote control can control any toy that implements the IToy interface, and the toy can be controlled by any remote control that uses the RemoteControl class.

Here are some real-world scenarios where the Bridge design pattern can be applied:

  1. GUI Toolkit: A GUI toolkit can use the Bridge design pattern to separate the interface for creating graphical elements from the implementation of these elements, which can vary depending on the operating system or hardware platform.
  2. Database Access: A database access layer can use the Bridge design pattern to separate the interface for accessing a database from the implementation of the database access, which can vary depending on the database management system used.
  3. Graphics Library: A graphics library can use the Bridge design pattern to separate the interface for creating graphics from the implementation of the graphics, which can vary depending on the rendering technology used.
  4. Game Engine: A game engine can use the Bridge design pattern to separate the interface for creating game objects from the implementation of the game objects, which can vary depending on the platform or hardware.
  5. Payment Systems: A payment system can use the Bridge design pattern to separate the interface for processing payments from the implementation of the payment processing, which can vary depending on the payment method used (e.g. credit card, PayPal, etc.).

These are just a few examples of how the Bridge design pattern can be used in real-world scenarios to create more flexible and reusable code.

Here’s an example of a payment system using the Bridge design pattern in C#:

// The "abstraction" class
abstract class PaymentSystem
protected IPaymentMethod paymentMethod;

public PaymentSystem(IPaymentMethod paymentMethod)
this.paymentMethod = paymentMethod;

public abstract void MakePayment(double amount);

// The "implementation" interface
interface IPaymentMethod
void ProcessPayment(double amount);

// Concrete implementation of the payment method (Credit Card)
class CreditCardPayment : IPaymentMethod
public void ProcessPayment(double amount)
Console.WriteLine("Processing payment of $" + amount + " using credit card.");

// Concrete implementation of the payment method (PayPal)
class PayPalPayment : IPaymentMethod
public void ProcessPayment(double amount)
Console.WriteLine("Processing payment of $" + amount + " using PayPal.");

// Concrete implementation of the payment system
class OnlineStorePaymentSystem : PaymentSystem
public OnlineStorePaymentSystem(IPaymentMethod paymentMethod) : base(paymentMethod) { }

public override void MakePayment(double amount)
Console.WriteLine("Making payment for online store purchase:");

// Usage
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
IPaymentMethod creditCard = new CreditCardPayment();
PaymentSystem onlineStore = new OnlineStorePaymentSystem(creditCard);

IPaymentMethod payPal = new PayPalPayment();
PaymentSystem onlineStore2 = new OnlineStorePaymentSystem(payPal);

In this example, the PaymentSystem class is the abstraction and the IPaymentMethod interface is the implementation. The CreditCardPayment and PayPalPayment classes are concrete implementations of the IPaymentMethod interface, and the OnlineStorePaymentSystem class is a concrete implementation of the PaymentSystem class. The PaymentSystem class and the IPaymentMethod interface are decoupled, so that the payment system can use any payment method that implements the IPaymentMethod interface, and the payment method can be used by any payment system that uses the PaymentSystem class.

Here’s an example of a database access system using the Bridge design pattern in C#:

// The "abstraction" class
abstract class DatabaseAccess
protected IDatabase database;

public DatabaseAccess(IDatabase database)
this.database = database;

public abstract void Connect();
public abstract void ExecuteQuery(string query);

// The "implementation" interface
interface IDatabase
void ConnectToDatabase();
void ExecuteSQLQuery(string query);

// Concrete implementation of the database (SQL Server)
class SqlServerDatabase : IDatabase
public void ConnectToDatabase()
Console.WriteLine("Connecting to SQL Server database.");

public void ExecuteSQLQuery(string query)
Console.WriteLine("Executing SQL query: " + query);

// Concrete implementation of the database (MySQL)
class MySqlDatabase : IDatabase
public void ConnectToDatabase()
Console.WriteLine("Connecting to MySQL database.");

public void ExecuteSQLQuery(string query)
Console.WriteLine("Executing MySQL query: " + query);

// Concrete implementation of the database access system
class ApplicationDatabaseAccess : DatabaseAccess
public ApplicationDatabaseAccess(IDatabase database) : base(database) { }

public override void Connect()
Console.WriteLine("Connecting to database for application:");

public override void ExecuteQuery(string query)
Console.WriteLine("Executing query for application:");

// Usage
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
IDatabase sqlServer = new SqlServerDatabase();
DatabaseAccess application = new ApplicationDatabaseAccess(sqlServer);
application.ExecuteQuery("SELECT * FROM Customers");

IDatabase mySql = new MySqlDatabase();
DatabaseAccess application2 = new ApplicationDatabaseAccess(mySql);
application2.ExecuteQuery("SELECT * FROM Orders");

In this example, the DatabaseAccess class is the abstraction and the IDatabase interface is the implementation. The SqlServerDatabase and MySqlDatabase classes are concrete implementations of the IDatabase interface, and the ApplicationDatabaseAccess class is a concrete implementation of the DatabaseAccess class. The DatabaseAccess class and the IDatabase interface are decoupled, so that the database access system can use any database that implements the IDatabase interface, and the database can be used by any database access system that uses the DatabaseAccess class.


The Bridge design pattern has the following disadvantages:

  1. Increased Complexity: The use of the Bridge pattern can lead to an increase in the overall complexity of the system, as it introduces an extra level of abstraction.
  2. Higher Maintenance Cost: The increased abstraction can make the system more difficult to maintain and modify, as changes in one part of the system may require changes in other parts of the system.
  3. Performance Overhead: The use of the Bridge pattern may result in a performance overhead, as the extra level of abstraction introduces additional method calls and object instantiations.
  4. Increased Coupling: The use of the Bridge pattern can lead to increased coupling between the abstraction and the implementation, as the abstraction and the implementation must be tightly integrated in order to work correctly.
  5. Design Overhead: The use of the Bridge pattern can require more time and effort to design, as it requires careful consideration of the relationships between the abstraction and the implementation.

It’s important to weigh the potential benefits and drawbacks of using the Bridge design pattern before deciding to use it in a project, as it may not be appropriate for all situations.


In conclusion, the Bridge design pattern is a powerful tool for decoupling an abstraction from its implementation, allowing the two to evolve independently of each other. It provides a flexible and maintainable solution for situations where a system needs to be extended or modified. The pattern can be applied to a wide range of problems, including database access, payment systems, and other systems where a separation between the abstraction and the implementation is desired. However, it is important to weigh the potential benefits and drawbacks of using the Bridge design pattern before deciding to use it in a project, as it may not be appropriate for all situations. When used correctly, the Bridge pattern can help to simplify the design and maintenance of complex systems, making them more flexible and easier to modify.

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# Reference

It was created with the help of ChatGPT AI.



Göksu Deniz

Software Engineer, passionate about creating efficient solutions. Skilled in mentoring teams to deliver successful projects. Always exploring new tech trends.