16 Behavioral Design Patterns That May Change Your Perspective

Göksu Deniz
6 min readJan 1, 2023


Behavioral design patterns are a type of design pattern that focuses on communication between objects and how they operate together to achieve a specific behavior or goal. These patterns focus on how objects can be designed to provide more flexibility and reuse in a system. Some common behavioral design patterns include the Strategy pattern, the Observer pattern, and the State pattern.

I tried to explain them as best I could. Here is the list that includes 16 design patterns that I explained. You can check out which you want to learn and use it on your projects.

1. Fluent Interface Design Pattern

A fluent interface is a design pattern that is used to create an object-oriented API that is easy to read and understand. The purpose of using a fluent interface is to make the API more readable and intuitive, so that developers can work with it more easily. By using method chaining and method cascading, a fluent interface allows developers to write code that reads like a sentence in a natural language, making it easier to understand and maintain. This can help to improve the clarity and reliability of the code, and can make it easier to work with complex data structures and algorithms.

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2. Command Design Pattern

The command design pattern is a behavioral design pattern that is used to encapsulate a request as an object. This allows for a separation of concerns between the object that invokes the command and the object that knows how to execute it. This can be useful in a variety of situations, such as implementing undo/redo functionality, or allowing for different implementations of a command to be used interchangeably. It can also make it easier to create and manage instances of commands, as well as allowing for the creation of composite commands that can be treated as a single unit.

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3. Chain of Responsibility Design Pattern

The purpose of using the chain of responsibility design pattern is to create a chain of objects that can handle a request. This allows for a more modular and flexible approach to handling requests, as the objects in the chain are able to handle the request independently of each other. Additionally, the chain of responsibility pattern allows for the request to be handled by the object that is best suited to handle it, rather than having to rely on a single, monolithic object. This can improve the maintainability and extensibility of the code.

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4. Blackboard Design Pattern

The blackboard design pattern is a way of decomposing a complex problem into smaller, more manageable subproblems. The idea is to create a central “blackboard” that can be accessed by multiple subproblems, which can then share information and collaborate to find a solution.

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5. Interpreter Design Pattern

The interpreter design pattern is a behavioral design pattern that is used to define a grammatical representation for a language and provides an interpreter to deal with this grammar. This pattern is often used when a problem can be easily expressed in a language, but the solution to the problem is not immediately obvious. By using the interpreter design pattern, a developer can create a language that is specifically designed to solve a particular problem, and then provide an interpreter that can evaluate sentences written in that language. This allows users to write sentences in the language that the interpreter can understand and execute, which can be a useful way to solve complex problems.

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6. Iterator Design Pattern

The Iterator design pattern is a behavioral design pattern that allows clients to access the elements of an aggregate object sequentially without exposing the underlying representation. It is often used to provide a standard way to traverse the elements of a collection, such as a list or an array.

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7. Mediator Design Pattern

The Mediator design pattern is a behavioral design pattern that allows you to define a separate component (the mediator) that controls the interaction between a set of objects. The mediator reduces the dependencies between the objects and helps to promote loose coupling between them.

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8. Memento Design Pattern

The Memento design pattern is a behavioral design pattern that allows an object to capture the internal state of itself so that it can be restored later. This is useful when you want to be able to undo or redo changes to an object, or when you want to be able to save and restore the state of an object at a later time.

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9. Null Object Design Pattern

The null object design pattern is a software design pattern that provides a way to represent the absence of a value or an “empty” object. It is often used as an alternative to using a special value such as null or None to represent the absence of a value.

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10. Observer Design Pattern

The observer design pattern is a software design pattern in which an object, called the subject, maintains a list of its dependents, called observers, and notifies them automatically of any state changes, usually by calling one of their methods. It is mainly used to implement distributed event handling systems.

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11. Servant Design Pattern

The servant design pattern is a design pattern in which a class (the servant) performs various services for one or more other classes (the clients). The servant class provides a common interface for the clients to access the services, which can include low-level tasks such as input/output operations or higher-level tasks such as business logic. The main advantage of the servant pattern is that it allows clients to access the services they need without having to know the details of how those services are implemented. This promotes a separation of concerns between the clients and the servant, making the system easier to maintain and extend.

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12. Specification Design Pattern

The specification design pattern is a behavioral design pattern that allows you to create a set of criteria for filtering objects. It is used to separate a set of objects into two groups: those that meet the specified criteria and those that don’t.

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13. State Design Pattern

The State design pattern is a behavioral design pattern that allows an object to alter its behavior when its internal state changes. It appears as if the object has changed its class.

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14. Strategy Design Pattern

The Strategy design pattern is a behavioral design pattern that enables an object to alter its behavior when its internal state changes. It does this by encapsulating the behavior as an object and allowing the object to be swapped in and out at runtime.

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15. Template Method Design Pattern

The template method design pattern is a behavioral design pattern that defines the skeleton of an algorithm in a method, called the template method, and allows subclasses to provide the implementation for one or more steps of the algorithm without changing the overall structure of the algorithm.

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16. Visitor Design Pattern

The visitor design pattern is a way of separating an algorithm from an object structure on which it operates. It involves creating a separate class for the algorithm, known as a visitor, that can be applied to elements of the object structure.

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Also for a complete list you can check out my Behavioral Design Pattern list.

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# Reference

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Göksu Deniz

Software Engineer, passionate about creating efficient solutions. Skilled in mentoring teams to deliver successful projects. Always exploring new tech trends.